Disclaimer: This website contains links to real time news and information and is for interactive educational purposes only. All material is protected by their respective owners. Please subscribe, become a Member, and donate $10- to keep us growing. AXJ ® GLOBAL NEWS NETWORK

AXJ was created in 1998 to offer our members real time news and information from around the world 24/7/365 in real time. In order to join us you must click either on the AXJ logo on the top left to enter our Member websites, or on the NEWS logo on the top right to access our more than 5,000 News websites worldwide. We ask that you please be patient as we are in the process of redesigning our websites so that AXJ.NEWS will accomodate more new Members and allow them to publish their own news and information on the AXJ Global News Network 24/7/365. AXJ is in the process of becoming the largest Public News and Information Organization in the world. Become part of it by buying shares now! Contact Jonathan Pacilio at Forge

Welcome. The purpose and objective of this website is to publish news and information regarding AXJ ® for the thousands of Members of the International Civil and Political Rights Organization known as Actions for Justice ( AXJ ).

AXJ can best be understood by its mission statement. We are a private independent and interactive news service dedicated to providing our Members the most up to date news and best journalism, seeking truth and justice while revitalizing the role of the free press as a guardian of freedom of speech.

Why are we the fastest growing news service on the Internet? Because our Members are also our citizen reporters and journalists and their stories and comments are published around the world in real time 24/7/365. Just email your press releases to: and we will review and publish them.

If you are interested in participating in AXJ please contact: .

Disclaimer: Everything published on the AXJ ® Global News Network is informative and for educational purposes only. AXJ ® is not responsible, for nor can be held accountable in any way, shape or form for anything published on its websites. Upon access to this AXJ ® website you automatically confirm that you are over 18 years of age, you do so freely, voluntarily, and agree to all the terms and conditions in the AXJ ® Privacy and Legal Sections. Only authorized AXJ ® Consultants can issue you, your Company or your website an AXJ ® Approval and Promotion on this network. *A trademark license is an agreement between a trademark owner (“licensor”) and another party (“licensee”) in which the licensor permits the licensee to use its trademark in commerce. AXJ ® trademark licenses are expressed in a written contract specifying the scope of the license. © Copyright 1998-2023 AXJ ®. All Rights Reserved World Wide. | Web Design & Development by AXJ ®. AMAZON ® SHOPPING

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