This is a follow-up to the communication below regarding the Enforcement Mandate and the necessary actions to be taken for its distribution.
I. Acknowledgement:
1. To those who have responded & committed to distributing the Enforcement Mandate, thank you for your timely action. There is no need to reply again. Your participation is crucial and you will receive the link with the update soon and will continue to receive updates and next steps. A great deal of work is in process by many software programmers who have been hired to facilitate this process and by others in the group who have contributed their significant financial support and efforts.
2. This is a commitment that should be participated in by all.
3. To those who have not yet confirmed, it is important that you understand this is not merely a request but an important action needed to protect your inherent human rights.
II. Critical Points
1. The Corporate “Legal System:”
a. The U.S. Government is a conglomerate of corporations that exists for its own profit.
b. This self-evident fact is documented by the Dun & Bradstreet designations of all so-called government entities as corporations including so-called “U.S. Supreme Court,” “Executive Office” and all federal and state judiciaries & other agencies.
c. Their so-called “legal system” is created by corporate shareholders. Their codes are merely corporate “policies” and “rules” and “statutes” fraudulently portrayed as “laws” that corporate agents must follow. They are not “laws” binding on us.
d. We the People are bound by a “lawful system” that in essence requires only that we not harm others and honor our agreements.
e. Our rights, as living beings, are inherent due to our dignity as affirmed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and exist outside of corporate systems.
f. These rights cannot be stripped away by any corporate entity or other man or woman.
2. Proclamation & Affirmation of Unalienable Rights:
a. You are all responsible to know the sanctity of your rights. I strongly encourage you to read and understand the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. OHCHR | Universal Declaration of Human Rights – English
b. Our rights are universal, equal & the same for all and fundamental to our existence as free human beings.
c. The Preamble of the UDHR affirms that recognition of human dignity and rights is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace. Governments are created to protect these rights, not to infringe upon them under the guise of law for profit.
3. The role of LEGITIMATE Government:
a. Governments are established to PROTECT OUR RIGHTS AND SAFEGUARD OUR PEACE.
b. Any entity that strips us of our Unalienable Rights is not legitimate and operates under color of law.
c. This imposter government is waging a War against Humanity. It cannot be fought individually. We must unite to safeguard & protect our rights.
d. You should be aware that reparations for the Nazi Germany atrocities were commenced by a Mandate sent by Chaim Weizmann.
III. Next Steps- Call to Action:
If you have not yet confirmed your commitment to participate and distribute the Enforcement Mandate, please send your commitment to distribute the Enforcement Mandate today. Your failure to commit affects remedy for you and for all.
We need to stand together to restore the protection of our rights for ourselves and collectively.
Barbara Stone
U.S.A. INC is at War against Humanity
We the People Order Reparations