To: President Trump/AG Pam Bondi/FBI Director Kash Patel
Beginning with the financial crisis we-have seen perhaps the largest and most sophisticated asset transfer/theft scheme in history, along with the most egregious epidemic of maladministration by incompetent or complicit oath taker public servants.
Millions of homeowners, many seemingly targeted as those unlikely or unable to fight back-(the elderly, the disabled, the ailing and dying), have had their homes STOLEN.
SCOTUS has admitted now that any of those not involving proper due process of law and a trial by jury are VOID, but maladministrating cities/counties/states are ignoring this fact, and continuing on , victimizing the innocent.
Maxims of Law are age old fundamental principles, much like Axioms in Geometry, they are ubiquitous, and universally accepted, Maxims date back at least to the Magna Carta and Scripture, and are still considered the fundamental code of English law-the very foundation of our common law, the real law.
From the preface of “Maxims of Law” by Charles Weisman: If one fails to understand the fundamental principles of law, then there is no end to which he can be misled or deceived about what is right and what is wrong. Such a person can easily become subject to government encroachments, or be maneuvered/manipulated into surrendering his rights.
Maxim of Law – “The main objective of government is the protection and preservation of personal property, private rights, public liberties and upholding the law of God.”
This is lack of full disclosure and fraudulent inducement-FRAUD.
Maxim of Law-Fraud vitiates all, even judgments and the most solemn of contracts.
Maxim of Law – Property in the possession of pirates never changes ownership .
Benjamin Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, “Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” To which Franklin supposedly responded, with a rejoinder at once witty and ominous: “A republic, if you can keep it.”
Actually, the Northwest Ordinance established that as a requirement of statehood each Governor was to establish a commissioner or commission overseeing and securing the land records. We dont believe ANY are complaint. The land records are in the hands of county registrars who claim they cannot refuse forged documents-even after the National Mortgage Settlement and Consent Judgment which required them to purge these from the land record and refuse to accept them any longer. They are still being recorded and it seems as though no requisite purging occurred.
Often when the government is faced with almost insurmountable problems and issues they tend to seek the easiest or best solution for themselves and not always being mindful of the impact it may have on the peoples’ freedoms and liberties.
SCOTUS Justice Neil Gorsuch has said: before your life, liberty or property can be taken, you are GUARANTEED due process of law, an independent judge and a jury of your peers.
He also said “If the Constitution supports your position, you win, it does not matter what government thinks.”
Coast to coast-millions defrauded crime victims have been stonewalled by either incompetent or complicit and corrupt oath taker public servants who ignore police reports, criminal complaints, fraud complaints and demands to empanel grand juries, and to investigate and prosecute. Even though the 4/4/2012 National Mortgage Settlement and Consent Judgment requires these actions.
All have been told the lie that “this (GRAND THEFT CAMOUFLAGED AS A FORECLOSURE) is a civil matter and there is nothing we can do. These are not Civil in any way, shape or form. Not by any stretch of the imagination, and mislabeling them does not excuse public servants from accountability. There is nothing civil about organized CRIME/Racketeering. Especially when those we pay to protect us or property and our rights, are negligent at best, and complicit accessories at worst. Violating one’s oath/shirking one’s fiduciary duties is a crime
Recording false documents is also a CRIME.
Presenting forged documents is also a CRIME.
Presenting Counterfeit instruments is also a CRIME.
Filing false claims is also a CRIME.
Filing claims in the names of fictitious plaintiffs is also a CRIME.
Perjury is also a CRIME.
Identity theft is also a CRIME.
Money laundering is also a CRIME.
Fraud and swindle is also a CRIME.
Extortion is also a CRIME.
Grand theft is also a CRIME.
Tax evasion is also a CRIME.
Racketeering is also a CRIME.
Misprision of felony is also a CRIME.
Deprivation of rights is also a CRIME.
Conspiracy against rights is also a CRIME.
Treason is also a CRIME.
Misprision of treason is also a CRIME.
Maxim of Law – Failure to enforce the law does not change it. ~ Louisville and N Railroad v. U.S. 282 US 749, 759.
The Constitution is an express trust, and a binding contract. Oath takers promise to obey and abide by the fiduciary duties therein. Property rights are the very foundation of liberty. Unfortunately, Government agents often trample on these core rights, by intrusion (aiding and abetting criminal interlopers, as here), and by unreasonable and usually unconstitutional local or regional regulation. See 18 USC 4, 18 USC 3, 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 42 USC 1986, and many more.
All oath taker public servants are trustees to the constitutions and have binding fiduciary duties to protect the rights and property of the beneficiaries, the people.
Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980) – Key Point: The Supreme Court reinforced the principle that an individual’s home is a sovereign domain protected from warrantless intrusion by the government.
Shively v. Bowlby, 152 U.S. 1 (1894) – Key Point: Recognized that property rights are paramount and safeguarded against unwarranted interference, reflecting individual sovereignty.
United States v. Miller, 425 U.S. 435 (1976) – Key Point: Defined the zone of privacy around personal property as sacrosanct to individual sovereignty
Justice GRAY (Supreme Court of the United States) delivered the opinion of the court: The powers of government are delegated in trust to the United States, and are incapable of transfer to any other parties. They cannot be abandoned or surrendered. Nor can their exercise be hampered, when needed for the public good, by any considerations of private interest. The exercise of these public trusts is not the subject of barter or contract. FONG YUE TING v. UNITED STATES, 149 U.S 698 (1893).
Maladministration: Bad management/mismanagement of public affairs, vicious or defective conduct in administration, or the performance of official duties, particularly executive or ministerial duties, prescribed by law; as the maladministration of a king, a chief magistrate, or any oath taker public servant breaching the trust, shirking their fiduciary duties, violating their oaths.
America’s Founders understood clearly that private property is the foundation not only of prosperity but of freedom itself. Thus, through the common law, state law, and the Constitution, they protected property rights—the rights of people to acquire, use, and dispose of property freely.
The time has come to restore respect for these most basic of rights, the foundation of all of our rights. Owners are asking simply that their government obey the law – both the common law and the law of the Constitution. Reduced to its essence, they are saying simply this: stop stealing our property; if you must take it, do it the right way—pay for it. That hardly seems too much to ask?
We have seen victims lose many millions in these schemes, as commercial properties and rental income properties have been targeted and stolen as well.
Here’s an illustration of a theft, that took a decade and a half to accomplish-over 100 oath taker public servants at the city (police, mayor, city council), county (sheriff, county manager, county attorney, county commissioner), state (Governor, AG, Solicitor General, Commerce Commissioner, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension) and federal levels (FBI, DOJ, US Attorneys, SEC, FTC, OCC) shirked their fiduciary duties/violated their oaths/breached the trust and…did NOTHING to investigate the crimes, prosecute the crimes or prevent the crimes-On 1/17/23 a disabled elderly man was forcibly removed, under threat, duress and coercion, from his free and clear home of 27 years, his retirement nest egg, by belligerent armed thugs who were deaf to the facts that they were committing trespass in enforcing unenforceable nullity void judgments.
He had his insurance claims interfered with and thwarted by the same public servants who refused to investigate , prosecute or prevent them. His criminal complaints were NOT delivered to the Ramsey county attorney, whose felony trial division director (Hao Nguyen) just so happens to be a co-worker at a local law school, and former classmate at the same law school, of the dirty attorney (Orin Kipp)who filed the frivolous false eviction claim in the names of unqualifed fictitious plaintiffs who ADMIT they are not involved and never engaged the attorney!
The New Brighton police did nothing with 3 police reports, btw a member of the New Brighton city council is also a dean at the aforementioned law school. In March of 2023 after the dirty attorney gave him two days to remove all his personal property from his pirated house, the disabled elder called police (this was the 3rd time) to the scene, and the police refused to take any action to stop the thugs who stole all of the personal property that week.
Months before the theft-US Attorney Bradley Endicott seemed to take the crime seriously and referred the victim (Tom Kibler) to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension division of the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office. An officer/representative named James Reyerson took much documentation and spent many hours on the phone with Mr. Kibler, before a month later calling to say they did not believe that false recordings, forgeries, counterfeiting, identity theft, trafficking, extortion, grand theft and more were crimes, they declared them civil and advised he get an attorney! (deia vu all over again).
When mr. Kibler was forced to file a data practices records request to get any details, he discovered that the BCA had done nothing, but slander, libel and defame him to the Anti Defamation League, from whom they procured a libelous and defamatory of him as a “sovereign citizen” because he discussed his rights and the constitutions! BTW-disseminating such defamatory and libelous wrongful labeling has been known to land folks on suspected terrorist lists and place them in danger-all for defending themselves and reporting crimes that public servants either wished to ignore and cover up, or were taking part in:(
Since then multiple demands to redress these injuries have been ignored, requests to meet have been ignored, and the disabled seniors social security benefits have been diverted, according to the social security office that could only have been done by someone who knew, or was able to hack and discover, his security info…
Anonymous American Homeowner